Our Pathways
Our Pathways
Talent Identification:
Recognizing the potential of aspiring athletes, we aim to provide scholarships to select YESI participants to our affiliate private soccer academy, Skillz Soccer School. These players, who exhibit exceptional skills, will be identified at various YESI programs and local tournaments. These players will have GPA requirements to emphasize the importance of education and will have the opportunity to grow as athletes with additional training opportunities.
Travel Team:
The Skillz scholarship recipients develop their talents by participating in multiple Skillz Soccer School trainings per week. Athletes may be identified to join the Skillz Travel Team, which offers invaluable experience traveling internationally to tournaments and competing with youth teams from the highest level.
Talent Identification:
YESI and Skillz Soccer School collaborate on various events, such as camps and tournaments. We look for opportunities to assist our players in elevating their goals and seeking the next steps in a soccer career. In December 2023, Skillz Soccer hosted a ScoutUS Pro soccer camp with guest coaches Brad Friedel and Tab Ramos. These coaches scouted talent throughout the week, and of the participants, seven YESI scholars were selected to travel to the United States for professional soccer trials, free of charge and sponsored by YESI. This is one example of opportunities we aim to provide to YESI participants as they grow within the program and have goals to take their soccer aspirations to the next level.